Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy February!

Hello Taibi Timers,
Writing to wish you a happy February. What's happening this month?

* New Etsy treasury for Valentine's Day, full of self love:

* I'm making my Valentines! I'll post one here on love day, from me to you.

* Me and the boy are back at work planning our wedding. Some wedding stuff might creep its way into this blog as this will be a DIY (and life!) adventure.

* I've just added more vintage housewares to my shop!

 * The great clear-out continues, the focus now being my studio as the rest of the house is *mostly* under control (photos of the progress to come.) I will soon have supplies that I am ready to part with, and I will arrange them into nifty inspiration kits to put in my shop.

Have a great week!
<3 taibi="">

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